Do you ever feel like you just can’t achieve – or maintain – the level of health and fitness you really want?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, it’s time for you to create a new Fit Identity! Think back to the start of this year. You probably set a goal to get healthier. Maybe lose some weight. Firm up. Build muscle. Eat healthier. It happens every year. That little voice in the back of yourhead nags you to improve your physical appearance, amp up your performance, or just feel better. You want to look and feel great.If you’re like most people, you don’t want to just get there. You want to stay there. It’s much easier to achieve lasting results than you think. The key to success? You have to make several changes, all in sync with each other. Whether it’s the start of your fitness journey or you’re a fitness veteran, the foundation is the same. You need to understand your fit identity and then evolve it!

What is a Fit Identity?
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When you have a healthy Fit Identity:
How You Think:
You’re focused and making mindful decisions about your health, rather than letting the challenges of daily life trigger unhealthy choices.
How You Eat:
You’re well informed, prepared, and consistently choosing nutrient-rich whole foods to fuel your mind and body for a healthy life.
How You Move:
You’re active, and practicing high quality, safe and efcient movement patterns in a program that supports your fitness goals.
It’s A Matter Of Choice
Your Fit Identity starts with getting yourself out of your comfort zone… and into your power zone. Why? In your comfort zone, you’re living for the moment. In your power zone, you’re living for a lifetime. Which of these is closer to what you want in your life?
Comfort Zone:
- In the comfort zone, you’re coasting. You struggle to commit fully to your fitness in thought or action.
- You make reactionary choices when it comes to your health. You react to the people, places and things in your life.
- You live for the moment. You don’t stop to think about the consequences of your choices. You get in your own way.
- You see results for short periods of time, but can’t sustain lasting results.
- You spend a lot of time wishing you were more fit. You envy others who are fit.
- Your Fit Identity is holding you back.
Power Zone:
- In the power zone, your Fit Identity keeps you focused and committed to a healthy lifestyle… with ease.
- You’re proactive in making positive choices with positive outcomes. You create the right environment for success.
- You connect the dots of how you think, eat, and move to create a powerful domino afect for success in your life.
- You achieve your fitness goals and enjoy a healthy, vibrant lifestyle.
- You look and feel great. You inspire others to pursue their fitness goals.
- Your Fit Identity allows you to thrive.
It’s All About Patterns
Patterns are the key to unlocking your Fit Identity.
Whether you know it or not, you already have existing patterns in every aspect of your life. These are your habits, both good and bad, that play out on a daily basis. You probably not even conscious of them.
- Patterns at work, in terms of what you do and how you do it.
- Relationship patterns, impacting how you communicate and interact.
- Lifestyle patterns that influence your hobbies, interests and talents