Your Blueprint for Success
You’re here because you want more. Better health. More energy. A longer life. A great body. I want to make it easy for you. Your health patterns, both good and bad, start in your brain. In order to get and stay fit your healthy patterns need to outweigh your unhealthy ones, in both quality and quantity. When you shift your thinking to create healthy thought patterns, you’ll achieve amazing results. Positive patterns create positive results!
Before you get overwhelmed with the thought of a life overhaul, lets agree on two things. First, you can change. It’s not too big of a task for you. Second, there is not one thing you do that does not start your brain. The brain is the hub of your human data and movement. It gives you direction on how to think, eat, move and feel. This is why changing how we THINK is important to getting and staying fit.
Before we dive into the details and specifics of what should change lets take a look at the THOUGHT Basics. After you’ve got these concepts down, we’ll get to work on your own personal Fit Identity Playbook, where you’ll put all of this into action in your life.

Acknowledge The Power Of Your Mind:
Think Good Thoughts
Believe You Can and Will Do it:
(Then Do it.)
When it comes to living a healthy life, the single most powerful thought pattern of all is a belief that you can do it. No one should believe in you more than… you! Starting your health and fitness journey is one thing … but BELIEVING that you can actually reach your goals, achieve a new Fit Identity, and sustain results over time is another! There are no limits except the ones you place on yourself. Trust in yourself. You can achieve your health and fitness goals. Step away from doubt. Shut down excuses.
Fit Identity Tip:
Making Your Fit Identity Choice
Mike: “Whenever I feel a nagging doubt about whether I can achieve something, I tell myself: ‘I can do this. I believe in me. I will do this.’ And then I PUSH forward. So much of what I achieve is about making the choice to do it. Choose to believe in your Fit Identity too, then take action and see what you can achieve.”
Are you having Fun!
If not, start.
I am not sure I can come up with a time when I wanted to stop doing something that was fun! When you are having fun, you’re in what experts call “flow.” Life is timeless. Whether you have success or failure, you’re having fun which is fulfilling on many levels. You may not have noticed, but when you’re having fun you’re collecting data and learning from it. You naturally apply that insight to the next time, making your experience even better!
Fit Identity Tip:
Make Your Journey To Health Fun
While creating new thought patterns and developing your Fit Identity, make it fun. Approach every challenge as an opportunity to achieve and sustain the health you’ve always wanted. Thinking good thoughts, eating good food and moving with great form – that’s my idea of fun! Remind yourself of that when it feels like anything less.

Be A Knowledge Seeker:
Knowledge is Power
In order to get fit and stay fit, education is key. With insight comes the ability to make choices that get results. You can’t make good decisions without knowledge. You can’t gain knowledge without effort. No one else will do the work for you. Seek out knowledge. Access the resources available to you, both online and offline.
Read articles, watch videos, try recipes, master the movements. Stop the search for easy answers and quick fixes. It all starts with quality knowledge about your health. Learn, grow and get — in that order.
Fit Identity Tip:
Why Seeking Knowledge Is So Important
How can you stay healthy without proper information about nutrient-dense food choices? How can you expect to have energy for a specific workout if you don’t know what you need to eat? How could I expect you to get the results you want, if you don’t know how to move, engage certain muscles, or understand why you are performing a certain exercise?
Build Your Support
Don’t Go it Alone.
One of the most important foundations to having a strong Fit Identity is a solid support system. You need to identify like-minded people who care and will build you up versus tearing you down. Support and affirmation goes a long away. Sometimes getting support from those closest to us will be tough in the beginning. Changing the way you think, eat, and move can shake things up in your life. Your friends, family, co-workers, and even strangers may challenge you (intentionally or not). But if you hold steady through it, their support and love will be worth it in the long run.
Fit Identity Tip:
Connect With Others
Fit people have a strong support system. You need one too. You may need to step away from those who don’t support what you’re trying to do. If you can’t step away, focus your energy on surrounding yourself with others who get it. There are millions of people who share your goals – so find them, connect with them, and rely on them for support. Start building your support today. Make a list of people who you want to support you and then communicate this to them:
“I need your support because you mean a lot to me.”
Explain what you’re trying to achieve and share your WHY and WHY NOT, asking for their support in very specific ways. Most people will line up behind you and cheer you on. The rest were likely never really there for you in the first place. Find your support! Celebrate All Victories: Even Small Ones!
Whatever your health and fitness goals, your journey will require commitment, action and some sacrifice along the way, which will make your successes that much more special to you.
Success comes in the form of achievements, both big and small. These achievements are what make any journey worthwhile. When was the last time you celebrated a fitness achievement. This is about establishing a critical new life pattern that will serve you well in every aspect of your life.
Fit Identity Tip: Taking a Victory Lap
Develop the habit of recognizing your healthy achievements. This isn’t about what others see or say, it’s about acknowledging your own progress and celebrating it every step of the way. Take a moment to smile and appreciate your progress. Give yourself some mirror love- look in the mirror and say to yourself “I am proud of you”
Do something nice for yourself. Celebrate any and all victories. Recognize yourself! You deserve it.
And when others give you compliments, don’t shake it off or avert your eyes. Say, “Thanks, I worked hard for it.”
Get your fit identity
Download your Playbook now!

Your Brain Has The Power
Everything starts and ends with how you think about yourself and the world. The same is true for your health and fitness. Your mind drives positivity and success, but also negativity and indecision.
Try to put this in perspective: What you feed, grows. So what you have fed in the past… has grown! You will need to acknowledge old patterns while feeding and creating new patterns. Brace yourself for greatness, but acknowledge the struggle to come as you create new patterns.
Having a positive mindset is so important when you’re establishing your Fit Identity.
Get started today!
These thought patterns serve as the foundation for your success. If you’re
already doing these things, that’s great. If you’re not, start today.
Your personal Fit Identity Playbook will help you put these concepts into