How you EAT: The Foundation
Your Blueprint For Success
Let’s start with a food TRUTH -that most so-called ‘experts’ will not tell you.
When it comes to how you eat, there is no ONE right answer. Everyone is different and needs to find what works best for them. Whether you follow the ideology of Paleo, Zone, a plant-based diet, or any other popular eating plan, there’s no judgment here. All have their merits.
Lets just agree on a few key concepts that are indisputable.
Food is fuel. Eat clean. Eat smart. Eat to fuel your life. When you eat foods with high levels of nutrients and establish healthy nutritional patterns, you’re well on your way to a healthy Fit Identity. You don’t have to feel deprived. You don’t have to feel restricted. You just have to be informed.
Fruits and vegetables are essential. Healthy fat are good for you. Sugar in nearly every form isn’t optimal and should be avoided. We make this far harder than it needs to be. Just don’t eat crap.
Let’s get back to my nutritional essentials – back to basics.
Understand and Manage Your Triggers
There’s a reason you eat the way you do today.
- Your body talks.
- You should listen.
- Prepare for Healthy Eating Success
Find out how to audit your kitchen today. DOWNLOAD Playbook

Consider Nutrients First.
How does this benefit or hurt me?
My mantra when I grocery shop or sit down to eat is this: “What benefits will I get from this food?” If you don’t know a food’s benefit, how can you choose it as fuel? How can you expect to get and stay healthy? Your body requires nourishment – to think properly, move properly, and function well in life. The more plant-based foods (fruits and vegetables) you introduce into your diet the better.
Fit Identity Tip:
Consider Nutrients First
No surprise, you should eat “clean” foods that have ingredients you can actually identify and pronounce, rather than eating hormones, processed, genetically modified, and chemically heavy foods.
- Never eat food you cannot pronounce.
- If you don’t recognize an ingredient, don’t eat it.
- Choose organic when possible.
- Be cautious of food in a bag or box.
- Eat food made in nature, not a factory.
- Add more nutrients and eliminate junk.
Making these small steps will make bigger strides in your health!

Build a Support Network-Educate yourself.
You don’t have to go at this alone!
Prioritize your health and nutrition. Sometimes you don’t have the knowledge or the skills needed to make healthy choices.
Simply put: if you want to know what the experts know-seek them out and learn from them.
Just remember this: What is good for me, may not be good for you for many reasons. Knowing what is best for YOU is key to establishing your own Fit Identity.
Be selective in who you engage and listen only to what makes sense for you. Some people like to make big and bold shifts in their lives. Other people like to make incremental improvements when working toward new patterns. You can choose whatever approach works for you.
The more aggressively you adopt these nutritional patterns, the faster you’ll see results in your body and your health.
The most important thing is to start.
- Where can we put this?
- What is the upside and downside?
- Is it fuel or crap?
- Did I earn this?
- Do I have fitness debit?
- Can I replace it?
- Is this MY best?
- Will it make it truly happy or unhappy?
Get your fit identity
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Build a support network
Prioritize your health and nutrition.
Life-long healthy eating is about making healthy choices most of the time. Having a nutrition plan with zero room for error results in 100% failure over time.
You need a plan for how to be flexible. Get the most out of your nutritional plan by being flexible and creating contingency plans
Sometimes you don’t have the knowledge or the skills needed to make healthy choices.
Simply put: if you want to know what the experts know- seek them out and learn from them.
Just remember this: What is good for me, may not be good for you for many reasons. Knowing what is best for YOU is key to establishing your own Fit Identity.
Get started today!
Prepare for Healthy Eating Success
Preplanning and preparation set you up for success when it comes to how you eat. In combination they make eating nutritious foods easier, leading to better choices and fewer set backs. You have in front of you an apple or a cookie.
Which one do you choose?
Now change that offer to an apple or a banana? Your preparation to feed your hunger with something nutritious just paid off. You won’t make healthy choices if you don’t prepare in advance.
Find out how to audit your kitchen today. DOWNLOAD Playbook