
By October 18, 2018Eat, Think

I named our coaching team UNBREAKABLE because I wanted to help people who felt broken in their health and income. I was warned not to use a negative term in name but I refused. Its because it was how I felt – broken – and it was what I wanted to UNBREAKABLE.
I was a shit storm, lost, empty, alone and constantly asked myself “how the hell am I going to get myself out of this” as I hoped to pay bills, slept on a friends couch and did not answer my phone because I was late on my car payment. All I really wanted to do was feel valuable and have some money in my pocket, not be wealthy, drive a sports car or take lavish trips, all I wanted not have anyone call me and say “You owe me XYZ, I wanted the phone to stop ringing.

True story.

Its not easy knowing you can achieve anything and feeling like you have nothing. All I could think was I could achieve anything if I was given an opportunity to do so – I had no doubt in myself. I made excuses, that others were lucky, smarter, better and even in my head I tore them apart for anything I was not.

It came to me one day the only difference between “them” and me was they STARTED AND they were CONSISTENT to what they started.

I stopped waiting for people to give me anything, I started to appreciate the success of others, I worked on my health, I used it all as fuel. I said yes to an opportunity: coaching, this team, helping others, and then I showed up for it as if my life depended on it. My drive was to get out of my own shit storm and then to to pass that on, I wanted to be UNBREAKABLE.

My mission is to fight for people who are lost, in their health, want to be fit, and want to make an income, part time and possibly turn it into a full time job to have the phone stop ringing. To help, coach and guide those who are in a shit storm that need a community and support to help them recreate themselves and stand unbreakable in life. To help those who say “I wish someone would open a door, give me an opportunity or mentor me”

If a guy like me, a pizza eating, beer drinking, Dallas Cowboys fan, sports loving, ride anything on board, active dude can make this happen – sure as heck you can.

All you have to do is ask me