My Life

By October 18, 2018Think

Not only do you have the power but you are writing the chapters in a book called “My Life”

This thought just punched me in the face: “This chapter in your life can be the start a new one.”

I have had many chapters in my life, l was child in a horrible divorce, successful athlete, school failure, lucky to graduate, broke, bad credit, bullied, good relationships, bad ones too. Horrible business deals, scammed manipulated, IRS audits, I could keep going.

These chapters have had different lengths, emotions, and meanings. All have been written by me. No ghost writers, all written by me.

Why do I tell you this? So that you know you are in a chapter not needing a new book to read or write.

I sat in the Las Vegas airport thinking exactly that – Mike you have to the power to write any chapter you want – stop staring at the pen and paper and the keyboard – WRITE YOUR LIFE.

To all of you, the ones having struggles, short on time, in unfulfilling jobs, with health challenges, lonely, unsupported and scared.

The chapter you are in can, be the one you write that sets you up for the new, next and best chapter of your life.

Your book is yours and yours alone. Recognize the power you have with your life, you can close one chapter and begin to write a new one at any moment.

I want you to have the life, support, happiness, flexibility, health and financial freedom I have and can help you with another chapter in your book if you are willing to work for it. I can’t write your book.

Let’s work together!