EatMoveThink What is Fit Identity Oh, you want to know more about ME? What I’m all about: I help people who want to live a happy and healthy life…adminMay 6, 2019
Move Morning Celery Juice-Health Benefits Without fail, after my cold shower, I make my celery juice. There are so many health benefits within this glass on an empty stomach, that...adminApril 12, 2019
Move Morning Celery Juice-Health Benefits Without fail, after my cold shower, I make my celery juice. There are so many health benefits within this glass on an empty stomach, that...Mike KarpenkoDecember 30, 2018
MoveThink 3 Days to Reset Your Gut Health Gut Health is vital to complete body health. Resetting your gut in three days is simple and you won’t starveMike KarpenkoJuly 24, 2018
EatMove 4 Workouts a Week that Will Sculpt, Tone and Shred You Gone are the days where we workout six days a week. Here is to 4 days a week and effective workouts that are less than...Mike KarpenkoJuly 24, 2018