Ground to Table-Eat More Plants!

By May 6, 2019Eat

Eat more Plants! Why do it? Simple: Grown from the Ground You will Stick Around!

You can hold any nutrition title a Meat Eater, vegetarian, vegan or general garbage can eating everything and anything that is given to you!

The truth is no one wants to be sick and we all want to be healthier! None of us want to bring on heart disease, diabetes, be over weight, deal with cancer, be depressed, have premature aging, have mental decline. If you do you will be the first I have ever met. Lets begin to implement new patterns and awareness to create new default patterns to help you make a shift change in how you approach your nutrition, help protect yourself against disease while achieving the Fit Identity you want.


How Are WE going to do this? Simple:
We are going to implement a new awareness and new patterns to the next XX days to create new default patterns to help you make a shift change in how you approach your nutrition.

The key here is for me to give you the tools and patterns to help you pick the right plant level for your Fit Identity!

First let me just share, that I shifted from a MONSTER protein diet to a high level plant powered Fit Identity and LOVE it. I resisted for many years because of my own naivety. It took time, success, failure, it took commitment and it took education(big one- I will explain later). To get me to my Fit Identity and to the performance machine I am today.

Secondly I am here for you, here with you, rather then speaking at you, telling you what you can and cannot, what is right and wrong. I am a giant proponent of anything I am told to do, or anyone that just tells me I am wrong. Lets look at this as a journey together to empower you to your personal Fit Identity that will include more whole foods

As we go through this let keep coming back to these 8 Rules

  1. WHY? – why are you making changes to your current nutrition patterns to create new default patterns. Hopefully its for your specific and overall health
  2. Look to REPLACE not eliminate. What can I replace that will satisfy me and my taste buds in the same way or better in a healthier way
  3. SLOW and STEADY wins the race- going cold for anything is tough- so why do it if you don’t have to. Begin to become mindful, reduce- and cut back slowly.
  4. Think of the BENEFITS- the long term ones not short- because that is why you are changing your patterns for you and the people you love. We need you around longer!
  5. EXPERIMENT: I have been on this earth 45 years. I tell people I leaned to cook over those years and have burned, undercooked, over cooked, seasoned horribly and failed miserably. But I also had a lot of success- so It will take some time to learn what you do and do not like.
  6. LEAD by your mouth. What I mean by that is lead by your mindful eating. You are not different, you are a leader.
  7. FOOD POLICE DON’T EXIST- there is no failure. If you eat off the plan be mindful of it, it happens get back on it. there is no food police waiting to ticket you or hall you off to food jail if you become flexible. This is not a pass/fail situation